Dungeon Master, 100%, (Report č.1, Report č. 2) (2x)
Dungeon Master 2, The Legend of Skullkeep, 100%, (Report č. 1, Report č. 2) (1,99x)
Dungeon Master 2, The Legend of Skullkeep, 100%, (Report č. 1, Report č. 2) (1,99x)
Eye of the Beholder, 85% (Report č. 1, Report č. 2, Report č. 3 ) (3x)
Eye of the Beholder 2:The Legend of Darkmoon, 95% (Report č.1, Report č. 2, Report č.3) (2x)
Eye of the Beholder 3, 85%, (Report č.1, Report č.2, Report č. 3) (2x)
Eye of the Beholder 2:The Legend of Darkmoon, 95% (Report č.1, Report č. 2, Report č.3) (2x)
Eye of the Beholder 3, 85%, (Report č.1, Report č.2, Report č. 3) (2x)
Islands of the Caliph, 90%
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos, 100%, (Report č. 1, Report č. 2, Report č. 3) (2x)
Lands of Lore 2: Guardians of Destiny, 70%
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos, 100%, (Report č. 1, Report č. 2, Report č. 3) (2x)
Lands of Lore 2: Guardians of Destiny, 70%
Might and Magic: Book I: Secret of the Inner Sanctum, 90%
Might and Magic 3: Isles of Terra, 100% (2x)
Might and Magic 4: Clouds of Xeen, 95%
Might and Magic 5: Darkside of Xeen, 95%
Might and Magic 3: Isles of Terra, 100% (2x)
Might and Magic 4: Clouds of Xeen, 95%
Might and Magic 5: Darkside of Xeen, 95%
Might and Magic 4+5: World of Xeen, 100%
Might and Magic 6: The Mandate of Heaven, 90%
Migt and Magic 8: Day of the Destroyer, 90%
Might and Magic 10: Legacy, 90%
Might and Magic 6: The Mandate of Heaven, 90%
Migt and Magic 8: Day of the Destroyer, 90%
Might and Magic 10: Legacy, 90%
Path of Exile (jen původní základní dějová linie)
Ravenloft Sthrad´s Possession, 95% (Report č. 1, Report č. 2)(2x)
Ravenloft 2: Stone Prophet, 95%
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny, 80%
Rytíři Grálu, 70%, (Report - rozsáhlý herní deník)
ShadowCaster, 70%
Ravenloft 2: Stone Prophet, 95%
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny, 80%
Rytíři Grálu, 70%, (Report - rozsáhlý herní deník)
ShadowCaster, 70%
Stonekeep, 85% (2x)
Ultima Underworld, 100%, (Report č. 1, Report č. 2, Report č. 3, Report č. 4, Report č. 5) (2x)
Ultima Underworld 2: Labyrinth of Worlds, 100%, (Report č. 1, Report č. 2, Report č. 3) (2x)
Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic Forge, 85%
Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant, 100%
Ultima Underworld 2: Labyrinth of Worlds, 100%, (Report č. 1, Report č. 2, Report č. 3) (2x)
Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic Forge, 85%
Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant, 100%
RPG Amiga:
Black Crypt, 100% (Report č.1, Report č. 2) (2x)
Crystal Dragon, 90%
HeroQuest 2: Legacy of Sorasil, 85% (Report č. 1, Report č. 2)
Crystal Dragon, 90%
HeroQuest 2: Legacy of Sorasil, 85% (Report č. 1, Report č. 2)
Lufia& the Fortress of Doom, 75%
Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals, 85%
Romancing SaGa 3, 95%
Secret of Mana, 95%
Seiken Densetsu 3, 95%
Star Ocean, 95%
Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals, 85%
Romancing SaGa 3, 95%
Secret of Mana, 95%
Seiken Densetsu 3, 95%
Star Ocean, 95%
jRPG Sega Megadrive:
Phantasy Star 4 , 100%
jRPG Playstation:
Breath of Fire 3, 85%
Breath of Fire 4, 90%
Lunar Silver Star Story complete
Wild Arms 4, 90%
Xenosaga I Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht, 95% (Report č.1, Report č. 2)
Xenosaga I Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht, 95% (Report č.1, Report č. 2)
Final Fantasy (remake)
Final Fantasy 2 (remake)
Final Fantasy 4 (remake), 90%
Star Ocean, (remake) 90%
Tales of Eternia
Golden Sun, 65%
Pokémon Ruby, 85%
jRPG Nintendo DS:
Final Fantasy 2 (remake)
Final Fantasy 4 (remake), 90%
Star Ocean, (remake) 90%
Tales of Eternia
Golden Sun, 65%
Pokémon Ruby, 85%
jRPG Nintendo DS:
Dragon Quest 4 (remake), 90%
Dragon Quest 5 (remake), 95%
Dragon Quest 6 (remake), 85%
Final Fantasy 3 (remake), 80%
Final Fantasy 4 (remake), 80%
Pokémon Platinum (Téma Pokémon)
Dragon Quest 5 (remake), 95%
Dragon Quest 6 (remake), 85%
Final Fantasy 3 (remake), 80%
Final Fantasy 4 (remake), 80%
Pokémon Platinum (Téma Pokémon)
Adventury PC/Amiga:
Alone in the Dark 2 promo: Jack in the Dark
B.A.T. Bureau of Astral Troubleshooters, 75%, (Report - herní deník)Black Cauldron (The), 55%
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars, 100% (2x)
Broken Sword 2
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition, 90%Broken Sword 2
Innocent Until Caught 2: Guilty, 85%
King's Quest 3: To Heir is Human, 65%
Kings Quest 3: Ti Heir is Human (Infamous Adventures VGA remake), 80%
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love, 55%Kings Quest 3: Ti Heir is Human (Infamous Adventures VGA remake), 80%
Leisure Suit Lary 6: Shape Up or Slip Out, 55%
Monkey Island: The Secret of Monkey Island, 100% (2x)
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge , 90% (2x)
Monkey Island 3: The Curse of Monkey Island, 90% (2x)
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge , 90% (2x)
Monkey Island 3: The Curse of Monkey Island, 90% (2x)
Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel, 80%Police Quest 4: Open Season, 75%
Posel Smrti
Shannara, 80% (2x)
Simon the Sorcerer 2:The Lion, the Wizard an the Wardrobe, 90%
Space Quest: The Sarien Encounter, 80%
Space Quest: The Sarien Encounter, 80%
Space Quest: The Sarien Encounter (Sierra VGA remake), 75% (2x)
Space Quest 2: Vohaul's Revenge, 85% (2x)
Space Quest 2: Vohaul's Revenge, 85% (2x)
Space Quest 2: Vohaul's Revenge IA VGA remake, 80%
Space Quest 3: The Pirates of Pestulon, 95% (Report ze hry) (4x)
Space Quest 4: Roger Wilco and The Time Ripper, 80% (2x)
Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation, 95% (2x)
Space Quest 6: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier, 70%
Space Quest 3: The Pirates of Pestulon, 95% (Report ze hry) (4x)
Space Quest 4: Roger Wilco and The Time Ripper, 80% (2x)
Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation, 95% (2x)
Space Quest 6: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier, 70%
Tex Murphy 2: Martian Memorandum, 85%
Tex Murphy 3: Under a Killing Moon, 95% (2x)
Tex Murphy 4: The Pandora Directive, 95%
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders, 65%Tex Murphy 3: Under a Killing Moon, 95% (2x)
Tex Murphy 4: The Pandora Directive, 95%
Adventury ZX Spectrum:
Adventury Apple II:
Strategie PC:
Civilizataion, 100%
Civilization 2, 90%
Civilization 3, 95%
Civilization 4, 100%
Civilization 5
Civilization 6, 100%
Colonization, 100%
Civilization 2, 90%
Civilization 3, 95%
Civilization 4, 100%
Civilization 5
Civilization 6, 100%
Colonization, 100%
Dune 2: Battle for Arrakis, 90%
Dune 2000
Dune 2000
Galactic Civilization 2
Heroes of Might and Magic: A strategic Quest, 85%
Heroes of Might and Magic 2: The Sucession Wars, 100%
Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia, 100%
Heroes of Might and Magic 2: The Sucession Wars, 100%
Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia, 100%
Nobunaga´s Ambition 2, 90%
Nobunaga´s Ambition 14 Sphere of Influence
Nobunaga´s Ambition 14 Sphere of Influence
Simcity 2000, 90%
Star Trek: TNG - Birth of the Federation, 85%
Stellaris, 100%
Stronghold: Dungeons&Dragons Kingdom Simulator. PC, 85%
Star Trek: TNG - Birth of the Federation, 85%
Stellaris, 100%
Stronghold: Dungeons&Dragons Kingdom Simulator. PC, 85%
Warcraft: Orcs&Humans, 1994, 75%
Warcraft 2
Warlords 2, 85%
X-COM Terror From The Deep 1994
X-COM Enemy Unknown, 70%
Warcraft 2
Warlords 2, 85%
X-COM Terror From The Deep 1994
X-COM Enemy Unknown, 70%
Strategie Amiga:
Powermonger, 90% (dohráno všech 195 map).
Strategie SNES:
Uncharted Waters, 95%
Strtategie SEGA Megadrive:
Shinning Forces: The Legacy of Great Intention, 85%
Strategie SNES:
Uncharted Waters, 95%
Strtategie SEGA Megadrive:
Shinning Forces: The Legacy of Great Intention, 85%
Shinning Forces 2
Strategie Playstation:
Vandal Hearts
Strategie Playstation 2:
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 7 (PS2)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 8 (PS2)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 10 (PS2)
Strategie NDS:
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 8 (PS2)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 10 (PS2)
Strategie NDS:
Advance Wars Days of Ruin (NDS)
Platform &Metroidvania PC:
Duke Nukem, PC 1991
Platform &Metroidvania SNES:
Platform &Metroidvania SNES:
Platform & Metroidvania Playstation:
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Platform & Metroidvanie GBA:
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
Platform & Metroidvanie DS:
Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow
Simulation PC:
Elite 2: Frontier, PC, 100% (tohle outro snad nemá, je to nekonečné, ale dosáhl jsem nejdražší lodi a letů do Impéria :-)
F-15 Strike Eagle 2, 90% (stovky nalétaných hodin)
F-19 Stealth Fighter,90% (desítky nalétaných hodin)
F-19 Stealth Fighter,90% (desítky nalétaných hodin)
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939 - 40, 85%
Advanced Destroyer Simulator, 70% (mnoho splněných misí)
Ostatní různých žánrů PC:
Advanced Destroyer Simulator, 70% (mnoho splněných misí)
Ostatní různých žánrů PC:
Lemmings, 90% (všech 120 levelů)
NHL 09, PC (vyhraný Stanley Cup za New Jersey)
Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe, Amiga, 70% (několikrát prohraná liga a x knockout zápasů :-)